

力学所学位委员会副主任,中国空间科学学会第八届常务理事,中国空间法学会理事,,中国空间科学第六届微重力科学与应用研究专业委员会主任,《空间科学学报》副主编,国际宇航联(IAF)空间加工与微重力应用委员会委员,欧空局天地应用两相系统国际先进研究(ITT Topic Team)科学委员会委员,国际Marangoni协会(IMA)科学委员会委员,国际空间物理科学大会科学委员会委员(International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space)

简 历

1987-1989年 北方交通大学工程力学研究所、硕士学位

1990-1994年 法国普罗旺斯大学马赛流体力学院、理学博士学位

1994-1995年 西班牙马德里大学流体力学国际实验室、客座研究

1996-1997年 中科院力学研究所,博士后研究

1998年-至今 中科院力学研究所 微重力重点实验室 研究员、“百人计划”、博士生导师


1. Qiusheng Liu, Rong Liu, Influence of High-FrequencyVibration on the Rayleigh-Marangoni instability in a Two-Layer System Phys. Fluids, 23(3) 034105 (2011)

2. Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, Non-modal instability in plane Couette flow of a power-law fluid, J. Fluid Mech. Vol.676 ( 2011) pp145-171

3. Zijing Ding, Qiusheng Liu, Stability of liquid films on a porous vertical cylinder, Phys. Rev. E 84, 046307 ( 2011)

4. Zhao Si-Cheng, Liu Qiu-Sheng, et al, Gravity-Driven Instability in a Liquid Film Overlying an Inhomogeneous Porous Layer, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.28, No.2 (2011) 024701

5. Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, Instabilities and transient behaviors of a liquid film flowing down a porous inclined plane., Phys. Fluids, 22, 074101 (2010)

6. Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, “Non-modal instabilities of two-dimensional disturbances in plane Couette flow of a power-law fluid.” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 165 (2010) 1228–1240

7. SiCheng Zhao, Qiusheng Liu et al, Thermal effects on Rayleigh–Marangoni–Bénard instability in a system of superposed fluid and porous layers, Int. J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol.53, (2010) :2951

8. Zhao Si-Cheng, Liu Qiu-Sheng, et al, Three Dimensional Linear Instability Analysis of Thermocapillary Return Flow on a Porous Plane, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.27, No.2 (2010) 024707

9. Zhu, Z. Q., Liu, Q. S., Coupling of thermocapillary convection and evaporation effect in a liquid layer when the evaporating interface is open to air. Chin.Sci. Bulletin, vol. 55 No.1: 1−6 (2010)

10.J. Hu, B.-H. Zhou, Y.-H. Hang, Q.-S. Liu and S.-D. Zhang, Linear spatiotemporal instability analysis of ice growth under a falling water film, J. Fluid Mech. Vol.649 ( 2010) pp453-466

11.Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, Instabilities of a liquid film flowing down a inclined plane, Phys. Rev. E 80, 036316 ( 2009)

12.Rong Liu, Qiu Sheng Liu, Instability of plane Poiseuille flow in a fluid-porous system, Physics of Fluids, Vol.20, Issue 10 (2008) 104105

13.Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, Sicheng Zhao, Influence of Rayleigh-effect combined with Marangoni effect on the onset of convection in a liquid layer overlying a porous layer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.51, Issue 25-26 (2008):6328-6331

14.Zhi-Qiang Zhu, David Brutin, Qiu-Sheng Liu et al, Experimental Investigation of Pendant and Sessile Drops in Microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol (2010) 22 (3):339-345

15.David Brutin,,Zhi-Qiang Zhu,Ouamar Rahli, Jing-Chang Xie, Qiu-Sheng Liu & Lounès Tadrist, Evaporation of Ethanol Drops on a Heated Substrate Under Microgravity Conditions. Microgravity Sci. Technol (2010) 22 (3):387-395

16. Zhi-Qiang Zhu, Qiu-Sheng Liu, Jing-Chang Xie, Experimental Study on the Combined Evaporation Effect and Thermocapillary Convection in a Thin Liquid Layer. Microgravity Sci. Technol (2009) 21 (Suppl 1):S241–S246

17. LI Zhangi-Gu, Liu Qiu-Sheng, The influence of Rayleigh-Taylor instability on liquid propellant reorientation in low-gravity environment, Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol. 26 (2009)

18. Rong Liu, Qiusheng Liu, The Convective Instabilities in a Liquid–Vapor System with a Non-equilibrium Evaporation Interface, Microgravity Sci. Technol (2009) 21 (Suppl 1):S233–S240

19. David Brutin, ZhiQuiang Zhu, Ouamar Rahli, JingChang Xie, QuiSheng Liu, Lounes Tadrist, Sessile Drop in Microgravity: Creation, Contact Angle and Interface, Microgravity Sci. Technol (2009) 21 (Suppl 1):S67–S76

20. Qiang Yu, Shijie Cai, Zhiqiang Zhu, Qiusheng Liu, Binghong Zhou, Droplet Image Feedback Control System in Evaporation Experiment, Microgravity Sci. Technol (2009) 22 (DOI 10.1007/s12217-009-9132-x)

21. ZHU Zhi-Qiang, LIU Qiu-Sheng, Experimental Investigation of Thermocapillary Convection in a Liquid Layer with Evaporating Interface, Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol. 25 No. 11 (2008) : 4046-4049

22. JI Yan, LIU Qiu-Sheng, LIU Rong, The Coupling of Evaporation and Thermocapillary Convection in a Liquid Layer with Mass and Heat Exchanging Interface,Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol. 25 No. 2 (2008)

23. ZHAO Si-Cheng, LIU Rong, Liu Qiu-Sheng, Thermocapillary convection in an inhomogeneous porous layer, Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol. 25 No. 2 (2008)

24. Li Zhang-Guo, Liu Qiu-Sheng, Ji Yan, Hou Hui, Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Interface Tracking in Tank of Spacecraft, Chinese Journal of Space Sciences, Vol.28 No.1, (2008): 69-73

25. Zhao Si-Cheng,Liu Qiu-Sheng, Marangoni Instability in the vertically inhomogeneous porous media, Chinese Journal of Space Sciences, Vol.28, No.1, 33(2008):33-37

26. Zhu Zhiqiang, Ji Yan, Liu Qiusheng, Yan Jiaping, Xie Jingchang, Experimental Study on the Coupling of Thermocapillary Convection and Evaporation Effect in A Liquid Layer, Chinese Journal of Space Sciences, Vol.28, No.1, (2008): 12-16

27. JI Yan, LIU Qiu-Sheng, ZHU Zhi-Qiang, Numerical Simulation of Thermocapillary Convection in an Evaporating Liquid Layer Under Microgravity Condition. Chinese Journal of Space Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2008) :350-355

28. Q.S. Liu, J.Y. Zhou, A. Wang, V.I. Polezhaev, A.Fedyushkin, N-Thi Henri, Bernard. Billia, Thermo-vibrational instability of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in two-layer fluid systems, Adv. Space Research 41 (2008) 2131-2136

29. Zhou B.H., H. Jung, N. Mangelinck-NoÄel, Nguyen Thi H., Billia B., Liu Q.S., Lan C.W., Comparative study of the influence of natural convection on directional solidification of Al¡3:5wt%Ni and Al¡ 7wt%Si alloys. Adv. Space Research 41 (2008) 2112

30. Q.S. Liu, B.H.Zhou, R. Liu, NGUYEN THI Henri, B. Billia, Oscillatory Instabilities of Two-layer Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard Convection. Acta Astronautica, 59 (2006) 40- 45 ;

31. R. Liu, Q.S. Liu., Vapour Recoil Effect on the Vapour-liquid System with a Deformable Interface, Chin.Phys. Lett. 23 (4) (2006) ;

32. R. Liu, Q.S. Liu., Linear stability analysis of convection in two-layer system with an evaporating vapor-liquid interface, Acta Mech Sinica 22: 109-119 (2006) ;

33. H. Nguyen Thi, B.H. Zhou, G. Reinhart, B. Billia, Q.S. Liu, C.W. Lan, T. Lyubimova, B.Roux, Influence of Forced Convection on Columnar Microstructure during Directional Solidification of Al-Ni alloys, Materials Science Forum, Vol, 508 (2006) 181-186

34. Q.S. Liu, B. H Zhou,Z. M. Tang. Oscillatory instability of Rayleigh–Marangoni–Benard convection in two-layer liquid systems, J.Non-Equilib.Thermodyn.Vol.30. pp.305-319 (2005)

35. R. Liu, Q.S. Liu., W.R. Hu, Marangoni-Bénard Instability with the Exchange of Evaporation at Liquid-vapor interface, Chin.Phys. Lett. 22(2). 402 (2005)

36. H. Nguyen-Thi, G. Reinhart, B. Zhou, B. Billia, Q.S. Liu, T.P.Lyubimova, B. Roux, Tailoring of Dendritic Microstructure in Solidification Processing by Crucible Vibration, Journal of Crystal Growth,275 (2005)

37. B. Billia, H. Nguyen Thi, G. Reinhart, Y. Dabo, B.H. Zhou, Q.S. Liu, T.P. Lyubimova, B. Roux, C.W. Lan, Tailoring of dendritic microstructure in solidification processing by crucible vibration / rotation,Microgravity Science Technology J. 16 (2005) 15

38. Y.X. Nie, Q.S. Liu and M.F. Feng, Main Progress of Microgravity Sciences and Space Life Sciences Research in China, J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl. Vol. 22 No. 4 (2005)

39. Q.S. Liu, B.H.Zhou, NGUYEN THI Henri, W.R. Hu, Instability of Two Layer Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with Interfacial Thermocapillary Effect, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21 (4). (2004)

40. B. H Zhou, Q.S. Liu, Z. M. Tang. Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bernard instability in two-layer fluid system. Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol.20. No.4, (2004)

41. Q.S.Liu, Marangoni convection in multiple liquid layers, Acta Mechanica Sinica (in Chinese), Vol.34. No.4, pp481-491 (2002).

42. B.H. Zhou, Q.S.Liu et al. Space experiments of thermocapillary convection in two-liquid layers. Science in China (Series E), Vol.45. No.5, pp552-560 (2002)

43. Z. F. Yuan, K. Mukai, K. Takagi, M. Ohtaka, W. L. Huang, Q.S. Liu, Surface tension and its temperature coefficient of molten Tin determined with the Sessile drop method at different oxygen partial pressures, J. Colloid & Interface Science 254, 338-345 (2002).

44. Q.S.Liu, Marangoni convection in multiple liquid layers, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol.34. No.4, pp481-491 (2002).

45. B.H. Zhou, Q.S.Liu et al. Space experiments of thermocapillary convection in two-liquid layers. Science in China (Series E), Vol.45 No.5 (2002)

46. Q.S. Liu, Q. Kang and W.R. Hu, The effect of air layer on the Marangoni-Benard convection of liquid layer in an enclosed cavity, Journal of Microgravity and Space Station Utilization, Vol. 3 (2):31-38 (2001).

47. Q.S. Liu, B. Roux and M.G. Velarde , Thermocapillary convection in two-layer systems , Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 41, No.11, pp.1499-1511 (1998)

48. Q.S. Liu, B.Roux and W.R.Hu, On the convective flow in multi-layer liquids, Advances in Mechanic, Vol.27, No.4 pp518-537, (1997)

49. Q.S. Liu and B. Roux, Marangoni convection in immiscible double liquids, Int. Journal for Microgravity Sci. Technol. VII/1. pp103-111, (1994)

50. Q.S. Liu, G.Chen and B. Roux , Thermogravitational and thermocapillary convection in a cavity containing two superposed immiscible liquid layers, Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol.36 No.1 pp101-117 (1993)


Professors B. Billia & H. N. Thi, Aix-Marseille University (IM2NP/CNRS), France

Professors L. Tadrist & D. Brutin, Aix-Marseille University (IUSTI/CNRS), France

Professor M. Dreyer, University of Bremen (ZARM), Germany

Professor A. Oron, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Professor O. Kabov, Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics/SB RAS, Russia

Professor B. Roux, Aix-Marseille University (M2P2-IMT), France

Professor J.C. Legros, Université Libre de Bruxelles(MRC), Belgium

Professor C. Ward, University of Toronto, Canada



2001年获“中科院科技进步奖”二等奖(2001J-2-001- 4);




1) 欧空局IML-2空间流体实验研究项目(1991-1995年)(法国);

2) 中国科学技术部中法先进研究计划(PRA-M94-2)项目(1994-1996年)(中-法合作);

3) 中国科学院“百人计划”、“引进国外杰出人才”项目 (1998-2001年);

4) 科学技术部攀登预选项目(95-预-34)“微重力科学交叉研究”(1998-2000年);

5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“微重力流体物理”(1998-2001年);

6) 中国科学院知识创新重要方向项目 “微重力流体物理”(1999-2001年);

7) 总装备部“SJ-5号卫星空间流体搭载实验”(921)项目(1995-2000年);

8) 中科院力学所二期创新方向项目“微重力科学的前沿问题”(2001-2005年);

9) 中科院二期知识创新重要方向项目:“空间长寿命运动部件”(2004-2006年);

10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 10372105)“多层流体Rayleigh-Marangoni- Bénard对流不稳定性的理论与实验研究” (2004-2006年)

11) 基金委中-俄罗斯(NSFC-RFBR-10511120194)国际合作基金项目(2005-2006年)(中-俄合作)

12) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 10772185)“蒸发(冷凝)与对流流动耦合机理的理论与实验研究”(2008-2010年)

13) 中-俄航天空间合作项目“微重力流体物理-多层流体对流空间实验研究”(2006-2014年)(中-俄合作)

14) 国家自然科学基金重大项目“大振幅、高频率可压缩交变流动低温传热机理研究”(No. 50890182)(2009-2012年)

15) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 11072249)“空间液体推进剂重定位动力学特征的理论与实验研究”(2011-2013年)

16) “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2009BAG12A03)“高速列车气动噪声预测与评估研究”(2009-2012年);

17) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“高速列车噪声机理及其降噪技术研究”(KJCX2-EW-L02)(2010-2014年);

18) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项-实践十号返回式科学实验卫星“蒸发与流体界面效应空间实验研究”项目( XDA04020202-02)(2010-2015年)(中-法合作);

19) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“空间科学预先研究项目”(XDA04073000)(2011-2013年);



微重力流体物理: 流体界面现象与界面流动、热毛细对流与Marangoni对流、空间蒸发与冷凝、空间在轨流体管理、微重力实验技术等;
